In-Home Ocala Physical Therapy
Living in your home as long as possible might be one of the only goals you have as you age. Many people can continue to enjoy the comfort of home longer if they find assistance with certain aspects of daily living. Being able to take care of yourself can help boost the likelihood you’ll be able to remain home.
The team at Etairos understands that every patient has unique needs. One component of our program is offering Ocala physical therapy sessions right in your home. This enables you to work your hardest in a place where you’re comfortable.
In-Home Physical Therapy
Since our therapists come to your home, you don’t have to worry about trying to find transportation to and from the appointments. You also don’t have to worry about having the energy to make it there and back home. Instead, you can put all your energy into making the most of the physical therapy sessions you have.
Our therapists can take care of many physical therapy needs. We work closely with you to determine your needs so we can personalize your plan to meet those needs. Some of the focal points our therapists work with include:
- Testing for fall risk and balance
- Training for using prosthetics and assistive devices
- Training for gait and transfer
We also handle therapeutic modalities and exercises to help you retain your current abilities and attempt to improve upon them in a gentle manner. Our professional team performs evaluations during your sessions to ensure we’re providing you with the highest quality of care that works toward your wish to remain in your home as long as possible.
Occupational and Speech Therapy Options
Besides physical therapy, Etairos offers occupational and speech therapy. These work with our physical therapy program to enable our patients to thrive in their home. Occupational therapy can help patients improve their fine motor skills and cognitive abilities. Speech therapy can help with communication and being able to continue to eat, drink and swallow.
Some other focal points of these therapies include:
- Language skills improvement
- Muscle reeducation
- Perceptual training
The primary goal of these programs is to help our patients complete the daily tasks they need to handle so they can retain their independence as long as possible.
Schedule Your In-Home Physical Therapy Assessment Today
Getting the physical therapy you need is critical to you being able to remain in your home as long as possible. You can reach the Etairos team at 352-861-8806 to schedule an assessment for us to develop a plan to help you get the care you need. As part of the Etairos Health family, we can also provide many other services that can benefit you as you age in place.
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