At Etairos Health, we understand the profound impact that caregiving can have on both the caregiver and the recipient of care. We believe that every individual deserves the highest quality of care, delivered with compassion, dignity, and respect. That’s why we are dedicated to offering a wide range of exceptional services designed to meet the unique needs of your loved ones. With our extensive experience in caregiving and our unwavering commitment to excellence, we offer a diverse range of exceptional care services tailored to meet their unique needs and enhance the quality of their life.

Let us guide you through our exceptional care options:

What is Companion Care?

Companion Care can encompass a lot. With Companion Care, Etairos sends out a caregiver who can help you with organizing your day. Make your appointments, whether that’s for a doctor’s office, whether that’s for a hair appointment, or a nail appointment. Or it could be that you want someone to hang out with at the movies or play mahjong with or cards or bingo, or just someone to converse and to talk with. You may need a little help with preparing the meal, and a companion can do that, or help folding some clothes or to do some laundry. So that’s part of what Companion Care is and Companion care.

What is Personal Care?

Personal care encompasses much of what Companion Care does, but more personal, right? So with Companion Care, your caregiver is gonna come out, and they’re gonna help you with all your activities of daily living. So your bathing, your dressing, helping you put your shoes on, your socks on. Getting those places on your back that you can’t reach when you’re in the shower or bending over to get your feet and things of that nature. They’ll also help you to do your laundry, make your bed, prepare your meals, help set your appointments and help you with your walker as you maneuver through your apartment or while you’re outside. So it does include Companion Care, but it’s more personal in terms of your showers and your baths and things of that nature.

What is Respite Care?

Respite Care comes in when you have someone that’s helping to take care of you, like your family members. So it could be your son or your daughter, or niece or nephew, a neighbor, but there’s someone that’s helping to take care of you, and they need some time off. So they’re either going on vacation, or they have an appointment, or they just need time away. In the interim, Etairos sends out a caregiver who’s able to take care of those things that the caregiver was helping you with, kind of like a substitute. If they were helping you with bathing and dressing, the caregiver would help you with that. If they were helping you to create appointments, the caregiver would help you with that. So that’s what Respite Care is; it’s just a substitute for your primary caregiver.


What is Skilled Nursing Care?

Well, nurses are angels, at least I like to think so, because I’m a nurse. But a skilled nurse will come out to your home. Skill nurses are in the hospitals, and they’re in rehabs, they’re in offices, they’re all over. But Etairos sends skilled nurses out to your home when you need help with something that’s not non-medical, like a caregiver. With a nurse, she comes out to you. Let’s say you went to the doctor and you have something like congestive heart failure, you have adventitious sounds in your lungs, and she needs to listen to it, and she needs to see whether the medication that your physician gave you is effective. So she comes out, and she assesses your whole respiratory system to try and see what’s going on with you. Let’s say you fell and you had a skin tear, and she’ll come out, and she’ll dress that wound, she’ll take care of it until it heals, and she’ll communicate with your doctor. She’ll educate you on things that you can eat that can help with your healing process and things of that nature. So skilled nursing encompasses many of your medical health and medical services and things that are going on with you.


What are Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy?

With therapy, you can have physical therapy or occupational therapy. With physical therapy, the physical therapist comes out to your home, they assess you. With physical therapy, they help build and strengthen your muscles and your walking. So they deal a lot with your extremities, your arms, and your legs, being able to walk and walking upright and lifting your legs rather than dragging them. So they help you to do all of this to strengthen you so that you can walk and remain more independent at home for longer. They may, at some point, recommend that you start using a walker to help you do that. They come out, and they help you and teach you how to use your walker.

Occupational therapy, they help you really learn certain things that you’ve lost or are more difficult. So they’ll help you with tools to help you put your shoes on in the morning. It’s a little difficult bending over without getting dizzy and toppling. So they have what they call a shoe horn, and they’ll show you how to use a shoe horn to put your shoes on without having to completely bend over and risk falling over or getting dizzy to where you know you have another incident. So that’s physical therapy and occupational therapy.


For assessment. [email protected] or (813) 988-7320

For corporate, (727) 614-8300.

Contact Us

For assessment. [email protected] or (813) 988-7320

For corporate, (727) 614-8300.